
There’s been a massive change in social media content
that Not Another Salon is just about to get behind.

….And we want to share it with you as we do it ourselves.

It’s called user-generated content.

It basically means instead of the content looking like it comes from the hairdresser It looks like it comes from the client.


Because content produced by the company itself is beginning to look unauthentic and so people want to see the experience from the client's perspective.

Sophia Hilton

Sophia Hilton created the second most followed salon in the UK in only 6 months from scratch and she is followed as a hairstylist, educator, business leader, career and mother.

Her social media and marketing education became so popular that she taught seminars of over 1200 people across the world over 6 years.

Her online social media courses are the biggest selling in the UK, educating 4000 people in the last 18 months alone!

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